George Henry Radford was born 1885 in Leamington, Utah. He married Martha Elizabeth Spracher 4 September 1907 at LaBelle,
Idaho. George died in 1968. Martha was born 10 June 1888 in Labelle, Jefferson, Idaho and died 31 January 1969 in Rigby, Jefferson,
Idaho. The family group picture above was taken between the births of their 5th and 6th children, in mid 1917.
Shown in the picture above are: Vera LaVona Radford (born 28 Nov 1908, died 2 June 1992) standing between her parents on
the back row. The rest of the children, from left to right, are: George Elmer Radford (born 20 Feb 1910, died 15 April 1968),
James Wayne Radford (born 8 Nov 1916, died 28 Feb 1980), Hazel Veretta Radford (born 24 Dec 1912, died 5 Sept 1917), and Etsel
Henry Radford (born 17 Feb 1914, died 6 Nov 1984).
Vera LaVona Radford Haskell
Click on the link above to see a picture of Vera Radford Haskell and her husband Charley Hans Haskell.
George Elmer Radford
Click on the link above to be taken to a page for Elmer Radford.
Etsel Henry Radford
Click on the link above to see a picture of Etsel Radford and to read his life history written by himself.
George and Martha Radford had a total of 12 children. Not shown in the picture above were:
Jesse Ray Radford (born 6 Dec 1917, died 4 Aug 1991)
Maggie Ellen Radford (born 7 Nov 1919, died 20 Dec 1925)
Grant Daniel Radford (born 7 June 1922, died 18 Nov 1993)
Grant Daniel Radford
Pearl Bernetta Radford (born 27 April 1924, died 16 Aug 1924)
Virginia May Radford (born 4 Nov 1926, died 26 Dec 1926)
Delmas Dean Radford (born 30 Jan 1928, died 3 Aug 1928)
John Darwin Radford (born 27 June 1930, died 16 June 1950)
John Darwin Radford
George Radford and his wife Martha Elizabeth Spracher Radford were active in family history and left some good records behind.
George worked on the Great Feeder Headgates in Idaho and he sent letters to his cousin Ezra Morgan (Son of John Thomas Morgan
and grandson of Thomas Morgan) with pictures of the Radford family and a picture of George Radford working on the construction
of the Great Feeder Headgates with Willard Moore.

Above: George and Martha Radford with Flossie Fletter standing in front of the Radford ice house. Below: George and Martha
Radford with Martha's brother Jack Spracher and some relatives.

ERROR CORRECTIONS; In the upper left corner of the above picture there is an error.
The woman on the back row, left side, is Edith Ross Brown, not Elizabeth Ross Brown. And Wardon Swain, back row center, is
spelled incorrectly. It is Wardon and not Warden. Another error correction: The woman second from left in the picture, titled
Elzina Pearl Tyler Radford is not correctly identified. She is not Elzina Pearl Tyler Radford. We think she is Martha Grace
Nielson Morgan (1903-1964) who married Thomas Ezra Morgan (1901-1986).
In the picture above we believe are some of George and Martha Radford's family and relatives. Edith Ross Brown was the oldest
daughter of Melvin Ross and his second wife Mary Ellen Haddon. Melvin Ross was a stepson to John Whitlock Radford. George
Henry Radford and Edward Thomas Radford were cousins whose mothers were sisters (daughters of Thomas and Ann Watkins Morgan)
and fathers were brothers (Sons of John Whitlock and Rachel Leah Radford). James LeRoy (Roy) Radford was a son of Edward Thomas
and Wealtha Permilla Wilbur Radford. Elzina Pearl Tyler Radford was his second wife. Delora Ross was a daughter of Melvin
Ross. She was first married to Robert Morgan (son of Edward and Sarah Morgan and grandson of Thomas Morgan), second married
to Norval Grant, and third married to William Wardon Swain. Wardon Swain is in the picture.
Effie, Julia, Ruben, Delora and Edith Ross
Click on the link above to be taken to a Ross page with a picture of, and more information on, five of the six children (including
Edith and Delora) of Melvin Ross and his second wife Mary Ellen Hadden Ross.
More George and Martha Radford Pictures
Click on the link above to see a picture of Martha when she was younger and a picture of George and Martha in what appear
to be their church clothes.
Click on the link above to be taken to pages with pictures and descriptions of the Great Feeder Headgates
George and Martha Radford Headstone
Click on the link above to see pictures of George and Martha Radford's headstone.