John William Radford (1872-1949), wife Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford (1883-1967), and daughter Sadie Geneva Radford (born 1898).
John William Radford was a son of John Franklin and Priscilla Morgan Radford, a grandson of John Whitlock and Rachel Leah
(Ross) Radford and a grandson of Thomas Morgan.
Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford was a daughter of Melvin and Mary Ellen Haddon Ross and a granddaughter of Rachel Leah Smith
(Ross) Radford.
Julia, John and Sadie Radford Portraits
This married couple shared the same grandmother (Rachel Leah Smith (Ross) Radford) but through the lines of her two different
John William Radford (Left), his wife Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford (Center), and their daughter Sadie Geneva (Right of Center)
can be seen in this picture of their home taken about 1916 or 1917. The woman on the right is May Comes, apparently a friend,
not a relative.
Written on the back of the picture above of John Radford's homestead. "Our old home. John is on old Bird and he is holding
Fly's rope and I am standing between May and Baldy and Eldie is standing in front of me. I hold May and Baldie's ropes and
Sadie is standing there by Baldy and May Comes is standing by Sadie and both have their arms folded. Bob Gourley is on Baldy's
back." Written by Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford (standing between the two horses heads). The Eldie referred to, standing
in front of Julia, is Eldie Brown.
Click on the link above to be taken to the Melvin Ross page where there are pictures of Julia Elizabeth Ross, Effie Ross,
and their Ross family.
When pictures like the one above are taken, there is usually a reason. An event in the lives of people that motivate them
to get out a camera, bring out the horses, and line up for a picture. In this case it was the Radford's appreciation for
the large work mare in the picture. This mare was a valuable possession for people like the Radfords in poor, hard times,
because she could produce colts, the colts could be trained to work and sold, and therin was a source of badly needed income.
This big mare, on the right side of the picture, and her colts, the youngest in the center and the older one on the far left,
were a source of pride, hope and sustenance for the Radford Family.

In the picture above are John William Radford, his wife Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford, their only daughter and only child,
Sadie Geneva Radford Durrant, and her husband Roland Durrant. The children of Sadie and Roland in the picture are Helen (Left)
and Sadie Cleova (Right). Sadie Cleova Durrant was born in 1916 and married William LeRoy Johnson.
Bonnie Johnson Hill Grandparents Pictures
Click on the link above to see pictures of John William Radford and Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford's decendants and extended
family designed around the theme "Grandparents of Bonnie Johnson Hill."
Click on the link above to see two beautiful pictures of Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford, her daughter Sadie Geneva Radford Durrant,
and her sister Delora Ross.
Sadie Geneva and Others
Click on the link above to be taken to a page with a picture of Sadie Geneva and other young women in white.
Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford Spracher
Click on the link above to be taken to a page with pictures of Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford with her second husband John Robert
(Jack) Spracher.
John William Radford Gravestone
Click on the link above to be taken to a picture of John William Radford's gravestone.