I, Orlean Lovina Morgan Nield was born the eleventh of July 1907 at Neeley, Idaho to William Thomas Morgan and Sarah Lovina
Ross Morgan. My parents had thirteen children, of these three died very young. Ten children, six boys and four girls lived
to maturity and lived long lives.
When I was eleven yesrs old my Mother died in January of 1919. In March of that year my father sold his farm and moved all
his belonging and we, Golden, Kenneth, me and my father moved to Shelton, Idaho. There wasn't a town yet, just a ward. It
was about five miles from Ririe, Idaho.
The death of my Mother was so sad, that my father needed to get away from all the memories.
Shelton Ward was a friendly place and we were soon acquainted with most of the people and especially our neighbors. On Sunday
we went to church in our white top buggy. We went at ten Oclock to Sacrament meeting then went home and had dinner, went
back at two o'clock to Sunday School. We went home and did chores and went back to Mutual at seven o'clock, all on Sunday.
We only lived about two miles from the church house. We also had ward dances, roller skating parties and any other entertainment
that the ward had. There was a big basement in the church where we had all the parties.
My Father was so good to all of us and kept us together as a family as long as he could. He always had a garden which he
shared with all his neighbors. I kept house and learned to cook and some times when I would be cleaning house, I could feel
my Mothers presence telling me how to do different things. She wasn't very far away as I was growing up.
My Sisters Ada Radford, and Jane Charlesworth and their families lived a few miles from us and we saw them often.
Golden was the first one to get married and move into a home of his own. They lived about two miles from us when they had
thier first little baby girl. I loved her so much. I would go to their place on my horse and Lucy would let me take LaRae
home with me. I would keep her for a few hours, then take her home back to Lucy.
Then Ken got married and had a home of his own, then it wasn't very long until I married Lenard Nield and we lived at a place
called Oakland Valley about ten miles out of Idaho Falls and about twenty five miles from my Father. I didn't like to leave
my Father alone and I know he was lonely. Lenard and I would go see him as often as we could. Later he married a woman we
called "Aunt Ruth." She was the widow of my Fathers brother Jim Morgan. Their marriage didn't last very long.
Our first child was born while we lived at this place and we named him Lenard Rex. Two years later another son was born,
Delbert and then Bonnie, and Doris. By this time we were living at Ammon about two miles from Idaho Falls and we had a dairy
of our own called the Sunrise Dairy. We had two pretty white trucks with the lettering "Sunrise Dairy" printed
on the sides. Rex and Delbert were in high school by this time and they would each take a truck load of milk in to Idaho
Falls and deliver it, then come home and get ready to go to school.

Orlean Morgan Nield with child Bonnie.
My Father had sold his farm and bought a trailer home and he lived in that in our front yard until he passed away in 1946.
In 1947 after all those years we had a pretty little baby girl and we named her, Nancy Renae and two and a half years later
we had another beautiful baby boy and we named him Steven Brent. By this time our first family of four were all married and
we were so thankful for these two little ones. They helped keep us young. When they were three and five years old , Lenard
and I and all of our married kids moved to Victor, Montana. We each had a home and we bought a farm and a hundred milk cows
and that kept every one busy. We belonged to the Stevensville Ward and there was no Church house until we could get a building
of our own. We all helped with the building of the new Church.
Garrie Fillmore was our Branch President and we loved him. In a few years there was a ward and a few more years the ward
was doubled and we were in the Corvallis Ward and still no church house. We held our meetings in another clubhouse and again
we helped build a new church house.
Our families were all growing so Rex and Bev moved to California, Bonnie and Wade, Joey and Doris and their families moved
back to Idaho Falls. Delbert and Darlene's family stayed with Lenard and I for a while, then we moved to Othello, Washington.
Renae and Steve still live in Montana.
Lenard passed away in 1985. It was so hard to part with him, but I guess our Father in Heaven needed him. I still live in
Othello and so does Delbert and Darlene.

Orlean and Lenard in their golden years.