The Shelton Cemetery in Idaho where many of our pioneering Morgan, Radford, Ross, Moore, Ryset and Brown ancestors are buried.
Thomas Morgan's gravestone is the tall white marble stone at the center foreground of the picture.

The picture above captures double rainbows (one faintly) over Thomas Morgan's gravestone in the fall when the wheat crop in
the background was golden ripe. Is there a parallel here? Do we ripen with age and experience and then pass on to a wonderous
reality beyond this one?
More on Morgan Family Graveyards
Click the link above to be taken to more pages with an early picture of the Rigby Pioneer Cemetery and other pictures of our
Pioneer Morgan Family graves.
Hannah Elizabeth Morgan Hadden Gravesite
Click on the link above to be taken to a page describing the burial site in Wyoming of family member Hannah Elizabeth Morgan
Shelton Cemetery and Moore Legacy