Delora Ross was the fourth child of Melvin Ross with his second wife Mary Ellen Haddon

Delora Ross (1887-1967) on the right with her sister Julia Elizabeth Ross on the left. Delora was nicknamed "lola"
and she was commonly called "aunt Lol."

Delora Ross first married Robert Morgan and they had three children.(See the Robert Morgan link on this page). Delora Ross
second married Norval Grant. And Delora Ross married third William Wardon Swain. William was born 30 July 1884 in Fayette,

In the picture above are Delora Ross, her third husband William Wardon Swain, her sister Edith Ross, Jack Spracher who was
the second husband of her sister Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford Spracher, and Sadie Geneva Radford Durrant who was the daughter
of her sister Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford from her marriage to John William Radford. Delora is buried beside William Swain.
