Etsel Henry Radford was born 17 February 1914 in Perry, Jefferson, Idaho, married 2 March 1935 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville,
Idaho, to Cleo Lavon Gallup, born 4 May 1919 in Melba, Canyon, Idaho, daughter of Leon Gallup and Lina Lavon Coles. Etsel
died 6 November 1984 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho. Cleo died 14 January 2004 in Rexburg, Madison, Idaho.
This history was written by Etsel Radford:
Etsel Henry Radford was born on the 17th of February, 1914 at what was called Perry, Idaho, located about 4 miles northwest
of Ririe, Idaho at the family home in Jefferson County, Idaho. My father's name being George Henry Radford. He was born 11th
of February 1885 at Lemington, Utah. His father's name was Daniel H. Radford, born 6th March 1857 in Fillmore, Millard County,
Utah, His mother's name was Everal Hannah Morgan., born 27th June 1862 at Millard County, Utah. My mother's name was Martha
Elizabeth Spracher, born 10th June 1888 at Labelle, Jefferson County, Idaho. Her father's name was George Grant Spracher,
born 25th February 1862 at Burkes Garden, Tasswell, Virginia and her mother's name was Margaret Ellen Fisher, born 27th of
September, 1864 at Ogden, Weber, Utah. My brothers and sisters are as follows: Vera Lavona Radford Haskell, Elmer George,
Hazel Vernette, Etsel Henry (myself), James Wayne, Jessie Ray, Maggie Ellen, Grant Daniel, Pearl Bernetta, Virginia May, Delmas
Dean, John Darwin, being 12 children in the family.
We all had work to do. We lived on "lumpy dick", chicken and gravy. As we were all good shots, we came home with
many pheasants, pine hens and grouse to eat. There were 5 children who passed away from 6 months to 6 years of age. Both of
my grandpas died before I was old enough to remember them. Grandpa Spracher owned and operated the old Labelle store, which
was located west of the Upper Labelle School house, which has both been torn down. He then moved to Ogden, Utah. I can remember
my first and last train ride as we traveled to Ogden and back to attend his funeral service.
I was blessed in the Perry church soon after I was a month old. My father and mother was married and lived on the old homestead
all of their married life. I can remember father buying a brand new Chevrolet automobile for $900.00. I have pictures of
four generations of my family. As I left the stake center January 22nd, 1976 I vowed to write my book of remembrance. As
I reached home my wife was over to my sons place tying on a new quilt. As I put wood on the fire place and watched it burn
for a minute I new I had to have help in doing this. So I knelt down and ask my father in heaven for this help. As I sat
for a moment my mind rushed back to my chldhood days. I remember my first teacher was the best, miss Perry Lovell.. I received
all my book learning in Ririe, Idaho. My name being Etsel Henry Radford. The fourth child of George and Martha Spracher
Radford. I was born at the family home on the 17th of Feb., 1914. Delivered by Miss Suzy Young a midwife. I was baptized
into the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Aug 6th , 1922, in the Perry Ward. I remmber my first scout master
and have always loved and admired John Burtenshaw as he taught us into the Boy scout program. About this time the PERRY Church
was condemned and the ward divided. Being in the Ririe 2nd Ward I didn't get to church very often. It was about this time
my family and I became full fledged movie stars. A movie company hired us along with Uncle Ted's family, the Rube Ross family,
the Parley Byington family to work making a movie film. The movie was to be called "All face West." Ken Maynord
along with Miss Mary Pickford was the star players. I was to be her brother. They tied the Ferry boat in the middle of the
river with the cameras on it. My mother with Miss Pickford was to cross the river on the covered wagon. The river was so
deep the horses wouldn't go into the water, so my father put his big black team of horses across the river with a big long
cable hooked to the wagon and pulled them into the river. The wagon was rigged with big logs on each side, so when they wanted
to they could pull a pin letting the logs float from the wagon on the one side letting in tip over with my mother and Miss
Pickford being saved by Mr. Maynord on a saddle horse swimming in the river. My mother was to drown. I can remember four
different scenes as this with his big white horse. This horse was called Silver. He would do all sorts of tricks. It was
filmed at the EZZ RAP [Ezra Rapp] Ferry boat.
I graduated from the 8th grade the 26th of May, 1930, my teacher being RE Waler. I stared playing baseball in the 4th grade
playing on through school. I played on the Ririe team for about 25 years. After this playing teams as Rigby, Roberts, Iona,
York, Swan Valley and others. In the winter father taught us kids to make our own skiis by boiling the points in water then
bending them over a pole for about a week. Us kids would enter all of the ski jumps. We have jumped as far as 42 feet from
a 8 foot hi jump wining lots of prizes. When I was 12 years old, father bought my first gun. It was a 22 special. One day
my brother and I went hunting. I found out that day, never to pack any gun loaded. As we went to open the gate I stood the
gun against a post. The horse we were on was a race horse. As I reached over to get my gun, he took off on a run. I reached
my gun with the middle of my hand over the barrel of the gun. As it came up, it hit the hammer on the fence, sending the
bullet through my hand.
I started working with my father on the feeder canal headgates about this time also on the Anderson Dam [Anderson Canal].
My father being a powder man. I helped by carrying mud. We would place the powder in a crack, cover it with mud, set the fuse
with a match and run. We also did a lot of work for the Riley Ditch Company, about this time in life I met the girl of my
dreams. We met at a dance one evening in Ririe. I asked her if she would like to dance, which she did. Afterward I asked her
if I could take her home. She said "I don't know, I will have to ask my brother." When we asked him, he answered
by saying, "We might as well, then we won't have to walk home." After this we spent many happy hours together at
dances, baseball games, sleigh riding, fishing, hunting, and other sports. I didn't know it the time that she was only 13
years old. She was born on the 4th of May, 1919, I was past 18. We spent 3 years of happy courtship together. We were married
in Idaho Falls on the 2nd of March, 1935 at the age of 15 and 20. We lived with Father and Mother for about 30 days. Then
we moved to work for Jake Webber for $35.00 a month, a 2 room house to live in and a cow to milk. We worked for about a year.
Then moving to Swan Valley to work for John Miller. I worked here for 5 years for $60.00 a month and a house to live in.
I played baseball while here with many hours of hunting and fishing. About 1940 we moved back to Ririe to work for Kraft Foods
company buying 40 acres of ground, our first home. I worked in Lewisville near Rigby for about a year then was transferred
to Ririe
Our first child was born while living in Swan Valley, his name was Gene Adrain Radford. He was born on 4th September, 1937.
Colleen Verda Radford was born while in Swan Valley also, birth place Idaho Falls, L.D.S. hospital on the 3rd of July, 1940.
Max Etsel Radford was born in Rigby, Idaho on 22nd July, 1942. Lynn Henry Radford was born on 17th of June, 1949. Kevin Leon
Radford was born on the 10th May, 1958. All of the children were born while in this home except Kevin, he was born in Rigby,
Idaho after we bought our home in Clark Ward. I worked for about 11 years for Kraft.
While in Ririe Ward I worked about 18 months on the Palisades Dam. As a wagon Drill operator, while working here I raised
my head one day, I saw a big rock riding right at me. I didn't have time to get out of the way, so I jumped in the air it
went right under my feet, I quit the same day, bought a milk route and have run it every since
As my father worked most of his life on the river, he was quite a boat man. As boy he helped to build the ferry boat at Black's
Canyon where they hauled logs across the river. Then helping to build the boat for the GEO Morgan ferry which was later bought
by ESS RAPP [Ezra Rapp..He was called Ez Rapp]. The ferry was so busy at this time with the movie. Mr. Holt built another
ferry boat which was later called the lower ferry. All the boats were made from 2 x 6 covered with tar. They were tied to
a big cable strung across the river. There were 4 big boats on each ferry tied to gather with 3 inch plank. When they wanted
to cross the river, they would tighten the cable toward the bank. The water would then pull it across he river. After my wife
and I were married two months, my brother was married. Mother gave us a wedding shower together at mother's home. That morning
my wife came down with the mumps. My cousin, Carol Radford was married about 10 months before and was killed in an accident.
So, I had his widow help me open my gifts with my wife looking through the window. I was fellowshipped back in to he church
by Cloyd. R. Moss, about 1946 and was asked to take part in a stake play under the direction of Mr. and Miss Albert A Paterson,
which I did. We enjoyed this very much. I was ordained an elder in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, July
11, 1948 by J. Arlo Moss, a high priest at the time. I served as scout master of the Ririe 1st ward for about 4 years, then
broke 2 disks in my lower back. I was operated on for this by Dr. Abbott in Idaho Falls in 1950.
My father, brother and I went after wood in Kelly Canyon one day. We cut down a big pine tree, took it to Thornton to the
saw mill had it sawed 3/4 inch thick, let it dry, that winter we made our first boat. We used this boat to float the river
in for about 4 years then sold it for $50.00. We bought plywood ad made another, since I have made about 30 boats which have
floated the river. My brother, Wayne and I have made many trips down the river. When we were younger the water wasn't so cold,
we would swim along for miles at a time with father rowing the boat, as we rafted cedar posts down the river, Wayne and I
would swim horses across the river to pull the rafts along with the cedar posts
I have brought many people down the river on fishing and hunting trips. On one occasion I had one man who refused to sit down
on the seat. I had a 55 horsepower motor on the boat at the time and as we hit some waves while motoring upstream this man
bounced into the air and when he came back down he missed the boat! I turned around and pulled him into the boat so quickly
that his underwear wasn't even wet.
Our daughter was attending Ricks College at this time and one day she came home and said: "Dad, I want to go on a mission."
She received a call to serve in the Southern California Mission in June of 1961. We missed her very much, but we were proud
to have her go. Max went to Australia on a mission in 1963 and Lynn went to Arizona Indian Mission in 1968.
It was while Lynn was away that I experienced the worst scare of my life. One morning as I was bringing the cows into their
stalls, I looked up in time to see Kevin come sailing through the barn door. A bull was right behind him! The bull lowered
his head down on Kevin's stomach and twisted it back and forth. I jumped and kicked the bull between the eyes. He raised up
and threw me over his back and started coming after me. I sat up and rolled to one side as the bull just missed me by inches.
I grabbed a pitchfork and with the handle on the ground. Raised the business end so that it stuck into the bull's head as
he charged again. The bull ran out in the corral while shaking his head until the fork went flying. I ran and grabbed the
fork again. This time I drove it into the neck which finally proved to be too much for him. Kevin was getting up with only
a few bruises to show for it all. The very next morning I sold the bull.
I had an opportunity to receive a full testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ a few weeks later. A tie rod broke on my pickup
truck which caused a loss of steering. The truck rolled and mashed the roof on my side down to the steering wheel. I suffered
a broken neck. My number 3 vertebra was pushed down past number 4 and 5 and hooked under number 6. Russ Price had 4 broken
ribs and Darwin Bloxham broke his teeth and cut his lip.
The doctor said that I would be paralyzed from my neck down for the rest of my life. They placed me face-down on a striker
bed (a bed 2 feet wide with a 4 inch hold in it for my face). I had to drink my food with a straw as I lay there for 6 days.
A nerve specialist was called and he told me that I had a 5 percent chance of ever walking again. I had faith in my Heavenly
Father and I told the doctor to go to work. After the doctor left that evening the Bishop and his counselors entered my room.
I asked for a blessing. As my son anointed my head with consecrated oil, I felt the presence of my Heavenly Father. Bishop
Rex Rolfe sealed the anointing and blessed me with health, strength and faith. He asked for the doctor to be blessed with
the skill needed to heal me.
The doctor operated the next morning. He cut away # 4 and 5 vertebra and took a chunk of bone from my hip to bridge across
my spine. When the work was completed, I was still paralyzed . I had no feeling from my neck down. I was still conscious
during the operation and realized all that was going on. I heard the doctor say that they had failed. I was to be paralyzed
for the rest of my life. The swinging doors opened behind me. I have no idea how I could see this but I did. As they opened
up I saw the brightest light I had ever seen in my life. It was a soft light be extremely bright. It seemed to float into
the room and with in it I saw Bishop Rolfe holding my wife by the arm. She was holding onto the arm of my sons. They all
came up to my side and stopped. I say everything in the room. The nurse holding a stainless steel tray with a hammer and
chisel on it. I say the two doctors standing on the other side. Bishop Rolfe raised his arm, touched my # 1 vertebra and told
the doctor to hit me hard right there. They I saw those four people seem to float from the room, the swinging doors closing
behind them. I tried to call to my wife, but I couldn't make a sound. I saw the doctor as he picked up a hammer and let me
have it in the back. There is still a hot feeling to this day on that vertebra. How could I have seen all of this if not
through the power of the priesthood? I know that I was still looking at the floor through the bed because the doctor had
put me in traction. When I left the hospital I was in a cast from my head to my hips. I know that because of the prayers
of many friends, family and the Bishopric I am here today.
About a year after this I suffered through a bad heart condition. I was in the hospital for this for 10 days in 1972. I went
to Salt Lake for a check up and had to have open heart surgery! The day after I got home from the hospital on the 17th of
August I was able to talk my wife and son into taking me up the river fishing.
I was on the river about a year later with Russ Price and Darwin Bloxham. We were floating from Palisades Dam to Swan Valley
bridge. About 2 miles upstream from the bridge it began to rain and wind blew like mad. We decided to stop and let the storm
blow over. As we landed the boat, Russ tied the boat to a tree while my brother Wayne held the boat from going downstream.
Darwin and I headed for the trees. Then the earth seemed to explode. The rest I will have to tell as it was told to me because
I came to in the hospital. I couldn't move my legs from the hips down. For the second time in my life I spent 9 days in the
hospital. I tried to piece together what had happened. We were hit by a bolt of lightning. Russ, being a little farther away
was hurt the least. He said he was knocked down, got up, shook himself and was okay. Wayne got up 4 times. Russ had to grab
him to keep him from falling in the river. Darwin and I were lying on our backs. They were certain we were both dead. But
then Darwin started to move. They checked my pulse and knew that my heart had stopped. Darwin said the smoke was rolling
out of my boots. He knelt down, put my head in his lap and ask our Heavenly Father for help. An answer came immediately as
he was told to hit me in the chest. He hit me 3 times with no results. He was told to lock both hands together and hit me
as hard as he cold with both hands at once. This started my heart beating again. Then he gave me artificial respiration for
about an hour. I still had a long way to go: the lightning had hit at one twenty five and it was three before they dared
to move me. When they looked at the boat it was nearly full of water. The lightning had blown a hole about 7 inched long
and four inches wide through the side of the boat. The water was running in as fast as they could dip it out. Because we
were on an island, they dragged me over to the boat, plugged the hole with a coat and bailed the water out with our dinner
pail. Russ and Darwin took care of me while Wayne brought the boat down the river. He said he couldn't remember anything
about the trip to the bridge. They dragged me over to the pickup where two of them loaded the boat and Russ took care of
me. Then they loaded me in the truck and headed for the hospital once again. As they were putting me in the wheelchair I
wanted to know what had happened. Dr. Kranz was called because he was my doctor. He couldn't believe what had happened. My
pants were in ribbons, and my boots were blown to pieces. It seems that the lightning had hit the top of my head because
it blew the little metal button out of the top of my baseball-type hat, burned my hair, left a streak down my back about 2
inches wide with a hit and miss every 2 inches and burned around my waist on the right side to my belt buckle. Then it went
down the inside of my legs and out the bottom of my feet. These burns all peeled off as they healed. I was told 28 years before
that my garments would be a shield and a protection for my body.
As I lay in the hospital my thoughts went back to the girl of my dreams of so long ago. She was at my bedside every day.
What a blessing it has been to be raised in this beautiful valley with mountains all around. I have been on almost all of
them by horse, car, ski-doo, or on foot. I have covered almost all lakes in Idaho. I have visited Calgary, Canada, ferried
across big lakes with sixty campers and pickups on board in one load. I have fished the Salmon, Locksaw and Selway rivers.
I have gone down the River of No Return, and fished on the ocean off Oregon, Washington and California. While in California
we visited the Redwood Forest, Marine Land, Knott's Berry Farm, Disneyland and many others. I had the opportunity of seeing
the Manti, Utah Pageant which is very inspiring.
When I returned home I appreciated more being able to live in the heart of the world, the most beautiful place in the world.
Within five minutes, I can have my family in our beautiful church house. It is only 20 minutes to our stake center and with
35 minutes we can enter the House of our Father in Heaven; the Idaho Falls Temple.
I have a true testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ our savior, I know that God lives. I know that he hears and answers
our prayers. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and brother Spencer w. Kimball today is a true prophet of God.
I know that the gospel is true. I know that the priesthood is stronger than all of the doctors put together. I know that
through the power of the priesthood man can receive revelation from God and heal the sick and afflicted. I know these things
to be true for I have felt and seen the priesthood work.
I was set apart as first councilor of the Elder's Quorum in Clark ward in November, 1975. Then the Church divided the ward.
Part went to Shelton and the other went to Clark. I was then set apart as president of the Elder's Quorum for Clark Ward.
I am very happy to have had the opportunity to have served in this position.
My wife has always been a great inspiration to me. Since my father died on February 17, 1968, mother and my brother Grant
lived with us until my mother passed away on January 31, 1969. Grant has made his home with us ever since. I can truthfully
say that my wife was never complained.
So my dream girl has been all that I dreamed her to be and more. All of our children has been married in the temple. Our
marriage was solemnized in the Idaho Falls temple on the 15th of July, 1948. I pray to my Father in Heaven that I can live
worthy of having my last dream come true. That is to have my wife and my family come to me when I call their names.
If I had to do it all over again and there were 10 girls, 15 years old with the name of Cleo Lavon Gallup, I would marry all
10 to make sure I got the right one!

The old Perry school, near Ririe, where Etsel Radford would have gone to school in his early years.
Family Reunion 1950
Click on the link above to see pictures of Etsel Radford, his wife Cleo, his parents George Henry and Martha Radford, and
several of his brothers at a family reunion. Etsel Henry is #3 and Cleo is #1 in the large picture.
Life history of Cleo Lavon Radfrod
written by Cindy Radford (daughter in law) 1999
In one end of Jefferson county, George and Martha Radford were celebrating the birth of their second son and fourth child.
Etsel Henry was born on February 17th 1914. His eyes were a beautiful turquoise blue and they twinkled when he laughed. As
Etsel grew he developed a great love for his family. His older sister Hazel was a very special part of his life. They liked
to do many things together especially play house in the old grainery. Etsel being 3 and Hazel the age of 5 seemed to make
an inseparable pair. Then on September 5th, 1917 sadness struck the Radford home. Hazel Veretta was called back to live with
her Heavenly Father. Etsel took it very hard. For weeks he would go to the old grainery and pretend to play house as if Hazel
were still there. This was a great worry and concern for his mother, so she told the other children to be with Etsel, and
play with him so he might forget the lonesomeness he felt. The Radford family brought 12 children into the world and only
5 lived to adulthood. They remained close all of their lives, working and playing together.
The years passed quickly, Etsel started school at Ririe. Miss Perry Lovell was his first grade teacher. She was one of the
Across the county, another family, on May 4th 1919, was experiencing a very special day. James Leon and Lina Lavon Coles Gallup
had just received a precious gift from our Heavenly Father. A baby girl was born to this couple. They decided to name their
daughter Cleo Lavon. She was the third child following two mischievous brothers. She had dark brown hair, gray-green and
brown eyes. It seemed at times, each eye would be different colors.
In Cleo's own words she writes:
My father James Leon Gallup was born in Springville, Utah 19 August 1886. He came to Idaho with his folks in 1901, settling
in LaBelle, Idaho. At the age of 28, on Nov, 27 1914, he married Lina Lavon Coles. She was born 2nd March 1898 at Milo, Idaho.
To them was born 10 children; 4 girls, 6 boys, 2 who died when babies. Myself being the third child. My name Cleo Lavon Gallup
Radford. I was born 4 May 1919 at Antelope Idaho, Bonneville County. I was blessed 5 ?? 1919 by Brother Wm. L. Johnson. Baptized
9 Dec 1928 at Idaho Falls, Idaho. In the tabernacle by Brother Brigham F. Duffin and confirmed the same day by Brother Wm.
H. Lee.
Living on a dry farm at Antelope was great fun for the Gallup children. The family did not seem to mind that there was no
electricity or running water at their happy home. Travel was done by horse, buggy or by foot. Many times Cleo's mother and
father hitched up the team and took the whole family to the neighborhood dances in the old church house. The building was
kept warm with a big pot belly stove. Grandma and Grandpa Gallup would wrap up the children and put them to bed on the benches
until the dance was over. After the dance they would go home in sleigh or buggy or what every they came in. The parents would
heat rocks or flat irons in the oven, wrap them in burlap sacks, and place them in the bottom of the wagon on straw to keep
their feet warm. On the way home the children would sing and enjoy the bouncing of the wagon. Their voices seem to ring with
delight as they sang all the way home. Cleo remembers Mrs. Rick's stockings. They were always bagging around her ankles
while she was dancing. The kids would stand around and snicker, make fun and laugh at her.
Beginning school at Antelope was a real treat. Her lunch was packed in a lard can to keep it fresh and clean while she rode
the family horse or went in the buggy to school. Antelope was truly a winter wonderland. Caroling was often heard rolling
off the snowy hills as the Gallup children traveled to school with a team and sleigh. The pot bellied stove was a major attraction.
Being cold from the ride, the children always gathered around it to warm their hands and feet. When they got to school the
boys would take the horses to the stable, feed and care for them. The horses were well taken care of so they could carry
their precious cargo back home after school. There was no electricity and the children did their homework and read by kerosene
lamps. At school the teacher decided to have the children tell a joke or a riddle to help them with reasoning skills. One
of the kids stood up and ask the question "what is a heaviest thing on a hen?" Cleo was quick to answer "a
rooster" Everyone laughed at her answer. Cleo was quite puzzled because she did not know what they were laughing about.
Her family had chickens and she was sure she had the right answer. Her teacher did not think she was a very nice little girl.
In Cleo's own words she writes:
At the age of 6 I started to school at Antelope Idaho which was called Melba ward then. It was the happiest day of my life
I thought then. Father took me the first day and after that I had to go with my two older brother's and our cousin who lived
1 mile up the road from us. We all went in dad's white top buggy and horses. We all had fun going together. One day the older
kids decided they didn't want to go to school. So we got down the road aways, took the bur [Nut} off the wheel, took it up
the road, hid it in the weeds and took the wheel off. We walked back home, told our folks the wheel had come off and we couldn't
find the bur. We done this two or three times and at last our parents caught on. The last time we tried it dad took us anyway.
It was about 10:00 when we got there. We didn't want to go until recess but they made us anyway. As we went in all the children
stood up and sang "Shame you Sleepy Head." It sure made us feel bad. We never had any more desire to take the wheel
off any more.
At the age of 7 Cleo, with her family moved to the Shelton Ward. There she finished her school up to the 8th grade in the
Shelton School house.
In Cleo's own words she writes:
In my second year of school the folks sold part of their dry farm to Brother George Summers and bought a farm in Shelton ward
just across the road from the school house. I went there until I graduated. During all this time I attended Sunday School,
mutual and primary. I graduated from primary Mar 10, 1933. I taught a group of small children in primary in the year of 1933
after school. In beehive I wrote a S.A. It was chosen as one of the best. The day I graduated from Beehives in 1935 I had
to read it at the Tabernacle in Idaho Falls. It was my first time to do anything at the tabernacle.
Traveling in the white top buggy led to some excitement in the spring. There was a certain road about 13 miles above Ririe
in the Little Pine Creek basin that has been filled with myth and folklore in the area for many generations. The people who
traveled there would have stories to tell. Not just one person, but many saw the flying apparition who was known as the "flying
woman of Little Pine Creek." Cleo and her friends were sure they saw her flying along side their buggy. This experience
scared them all, but they continued to go back along that dark, spooky road to watch for their flying shadow. They never discovered
the explanation of the flying woman, but they were convinced it was an old woman who lived down by the river and came out
at night to scare little children. They all remembered that experience their entire lives.
Thelma McMurtrey writes a story in her own words that was published in the "Snake River Echoes" a quarterly of Idaho
History published by Upper Snake River Valley Historical Society of Myth and Folklore vol. 10, No. 4, 1981.
Now in little Pine Creek, as it moves away from the road and goes up through a narrow glen toward the Boode farm, it is quite
steep on both sides and forms a kind of wide V. Down at the road is a gate. It's from this gate on up for the next mile or
mile and one-half that people would see this apparition. Now there's one thing I can say for this area; if you go in there
in the evening, or towards dark, there's a very cold feeling or strong evil present, a strong threatening feeling as it starts
getting dark. I've heard many who have not even seen the flying woman, tell of this feeling as they come up into the valley.
Some, in fact quite a few, say the story was just invented by someone who they say had a moonshine still at the creek, to
keep anyone from monkeying around and locating his still, but if the story was really told, and I believe it was, before this
person moved up there, then it gives this more of a solid footing.
Now one of the early stories I remember hearing about the flying woman was about how Elmer Clifford, when he was in his late
teen or early twenties, went up Little Pine Creek to where the Williams house now sits, hunting for drummers, little wild
chickens. The hunt had been good, and it started to get dark on him so he walked down to where his horse was with a few of
the little chickens he had shot. He had just turned around to get on his horse when his horse kind of snorted a little bit,
and he turned. He looked back up the canyon and here was what he swore was a woman sitting on a big ol' badger home. He said
she just let out a big squeal and jumped in the air and came right up over the top of him. According to the story he just
dropped the chickens right there, left his horse, and beat the road right on down to the canyon on foot, clear on down out
of Pine Creek. This is how it affected Elmer. He always said it looked like a woman to him.
Well the place had such a bad reputation that when Fred Christensen's cows got loose and wandered over that way, and if he
traced them down as far as Pine Creek by the time the sun was starting to go down, he would ride back to his house on Antelope
and come down hunting his cows the next morning. He wasn't going to go down Little Pine Creek after evening.
Now, then, another story is up above Johnny Summer's, on Pine Creek, they were threshing late in the fall one year and had
all gathered in the house to have supper when someone remembered they had forgotten to drain the radiator on the threshing
machine. No one wanted to go alone to do this, so they drew lots, and I never did hear who lost. They decided there was safety
in numbers, so they all decided to go drain the machine. As they neared the threshing machine, this flying woman made a deep,
screeching noise and flew up from behind the machine, flew a short way and lit on the smokestack. Everyone just turned and
ran back to the house. No one had drained the water and no one would go back out. They just left it there all night, the engine
froze and burst.
Another story I remember was about another neighbor who lived right down below where the gate went up to the field. He also
figured there was a still up there somewhere. When he saw his neighbor leave and head for town, he figured this was a good
time to go up there and get a good sample of whatever had been made in the still. After he got off work he walked up the
creek and got to poking around in the bushes and around the springs up there. Just as it was starting to get dark why, sure
enough a big ol' squall and beat of wing and this flying woman came right out past his head. He just took off right down
the road just as fast as he could run, with the flying woman hovering right over top of him, 'til he got right down to the
gate. We do not know if he went under the gate, or over the gate, at least he didn't knock the gate down getting through.
When he got down home he was so dang scared he couldn't even tell his wife what had happened to him but just stayed in the
house for an hour or two till he got his voice back to where he could tell her that he'd been up there and the flying woman
had attacked him.
If you want to take a sleeping bag yourself and go up there about six o'clock in the evening, 'specially along toward fall,
just spend an evening up by an old deserted farmhouse.
Some people use to say it was only a large white owl. By spending the night up Pine Creek you may either verify or deny this
story yourself, and you'll get quite a thrill out of it.
Now the story of the flying woman is just folklore, but Cleo was sure she was one who also witnessed the Flying Woman of Little
Pine Creek. She has her own explanation of the phenomena. You can decide for yourself.
While Cleo grew into girlhood, Etsel had grown to manhood. At the age of 12 he was already an accomplished marksman helping
to keep a supply of pheasants, pine hens, grouse, deer and elk on the family table. Cleo was an expert chef of wild game.
She could cook anything brought to her kitchen and make a gourmet meal out of it.
Sports is another story altogether in this family. If you said, "baseball," Etsel was already out the door, mitt
on one hand and determination in the other. He was quite an athlete. Whenever the carnival was in town the Radford's were
sure to go. Entering many of the events, Etsel had his share of first place winnings.
Five more children had blessed the Gallup home in Shelton. Cleo had blossomed into a beautiful young woman. Not only was she
beautiful, but she was a reliable help to her parents. Cleo was now eleven years old, but she looked and acted much older.
One day while watching the younger children, baby Itha went into a fainting spell. She had been born with a disorder called
"blue baby." Being the oldest sister, Cleo had seen this happen many times before. Sending one of the older boys
over to get Ethel Egan, a next door neighbor, she proceeded to take off the tiny baby's clothes. As Sister Egan walked through
the door, Cleo was dipping the baby from luke warm water to warmer water. Sister Egan told her she had done just the right
thing. Also about this same time in her life, she went to work for Mrs Williams. Cleo worked for one week cleaning house and
helping her with household chores while Mrs. Williams recuperated from child birth. Her wages for the week was about $5.00.
Cleo was excited to have enough money to buy Verta and her self a pair of over shoes which cost about $1.25 each.
Many lessons are learned in life. One big lesson that Cleo learned was that bicycles and high top button shoes do not go
together. One day Cleo was invited to go riding bicycles with Karl Brown. She had her high top button shoes on . One of the
buttons on her shoes got caught in the spokes of the bicycle and she went flying off as the bicycle tipped over. Cleo never
liked bicycles since, never had any more desire to ride one. To make matters worse, that rotten bicycle tore the buttons right
off her shoe.
Cleo's mischievous brothers loved to tease and torment the girls. Sometimes boys can think of mean things for fun. One day
her brothers chased her with a water snake and tried to put it down her back. This little girl was not fond of snakes to begin
with and she definitely did not want one down her neck. Cleo went into hysteria before her mom saw what her brothers were
trying to do and immediately stopped them.
Cleo was raised in a time when children had to entertain themselves. There was no television or electronic games to entertain
kids. They would come up with their own kinds of games to play. A group of children were sitting around the table one evening
playing a game. One of the kids had one of the neatest little pocket knives that Cleo has ever seen. When Cleo saw it she
decided she would try to get it for her own. Thinking of a plan, she came up with an idea. She picked up her skirt and quickly
pushed the knife in to her ribbed stockings. She got totally involved in playing the games and forgot she had placed the knife
in her stocking. When she stood up the little pocket knife started to slip down her leg. The excitement started when she started
to scream "there is a mouse in my sock. Somebody get it out, now it's under my foot and I am stepping on it." The
hysterical little girl had totally forgot she had tried to heist the knife until her mom pulled the "mouse" from
her stocking. The real horror was realized when everyone knew of her caper. She thought she would take the knife and no one
would ever know.
The weekly dances at Ririe were always a fun event. Most of the youth in the area came on horse and in buggy to attend them.
One night, after Etsel had arrived at one of these dances, he stood by the wall keeping a sharp eye open for just the right
girl to ask to dance. Just then, sky rockets went off as he saw his dream girl walk through the door. Shyly he walked over
and asked her to dance. She was so wonderful he had to get to know her better. The favorite dance at that time was the waltz.
"We did none of those 'fast jittery-bug' dances back then" Cleo reminisced as she told this story. So, he asked
her if he could take her home. She said she had to ask her brother first. After a few short minutes, she returned along with
her brother Bert, who replied, "Sure, we would love a ride home, that way we won't have to walk." That put a damper
in the hopeful young man. So the story goes, the first date of this couple was under the supervision of Cleo's brother Bert.
At the dance intermission Etsel, Cleo and others would walk down to "Mary the Jap's" hotel close by the dance hall.
There was a cafe in the bottom of the hotel where they could order any kind of food they wanted. This cafe was a favorite
hangout for the local kids. They would all gather for good food and catching up on the local news. One time Etsel and Cleo
went to the cafe to eat and to spend some time together. As they walked in and sat down, Cleo noticed a girl sitting in the
booth behind them. This little hotty-totty started to flirt with Etsel. Jealousy overtook Cleo. No one was going to openly
flirt with her guy. With out mixing words Cleo said "I could take her down!" Thinking she was being malicious
and sneaky she took the salt shaker, tipped it up and sprinkled it in this flirtations girl's hair. Cleo had heard her dad
say "The only way to catch a bird is to sprinkle salt on it's tail." Cleo knew she could calm down this little trollop
with some salt.
In this same cafe there was a slot machine. Having never tried her luck with the one armed bandit, Cleo decided to try it
with a nickel she had in her pocket. She put the nickel in, pulled the arm and hit the jackpot of $5.00. Having the wisdom
to stop while she was ahead, she quickly left the cafe. That was the last time she played the slot machine until much later
in her life when Colleen and Rudy took her to a casino in Washington.
Chickeries were a favorite pass time for the teenagers while Etsel and Cleo were growing up.. They would sneak around to people's
houses and swipe enough chickens to fix a big chicken dinner. Now, this got to be quite a talent for them. Chickens are quite
noisy when you get into their coop and try to catch them. The kids would clean them and fry them up at one of their friend's
house. If they were lucky one of the group would know of a sheep camp they could sneak to. After enjoying the chicken dinner
they partied all night laughing about what they had got away with. They always got home before morning. The local kids loved
to go swimming at Heise when they had the money. Most of the time the canals provided plenty of water fun.
Etsel and Cleo spent many happy hours at dances, baseball games, sleigh riding, hunting, fishing and other sports. Etsel,
age 19, had no idea Cleo was only 13 years old while he was courting her. Etsel would come over to Cleo's house on his horse
to court his favorite girl. Cleo would accompany him back to his house for Sunday dinner. On Sundays everyone would go to
the community base ball games. Martha Radford would hurry and fix dinner. After dinner she would cover the table with a table
cloth and off they would go to the game. When they got home they still had the dishes and clean up to do. They did not have
the convenience of running water in the house. Water was packed with large milk cans from the Harrison canal which ran behind
the house. It was heated on the wood stove and then the dishes could be done.
When it was time for the proposal, Cleo's family all knew Etsel was going to pop the question. Etsel had first asked her father
for her hand in marriage. He willingly gave his permission. Grandpa Gallup's only concern was Cleo was only 15 years old.
Cleo's brothers and sisters all knew of the proposal. They hid and waited to hear what Etsel was going to say to ask her to
marry him. After a two year courtship, Etsel now 21 and Cleo only 15 were married in Idaho Falls, Idaho on March 2nd 1935
in front of a Judge. This couple was in love and they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together and they did. They
were together in this life 49 and one half years. They will be together for eternity after this life continuing to enjoy
each others company and just being together having fun.
With a week of honeymooning in a boarded up tent behind Etsel's parents home, they sent out invitations for their wedding
reception. Also, being recently married, Etsel's brother Elmer and this young bride Reta sent out invitations for the same
day. The two couples had decided to have a joint reception at Radford's parents home. There was a slight problem with the
celebrated event. Two days before the reception was to take place, Cleo became sick with the mumps. All during the reception,
Cleo watched through the window while Etsel, Reta, and Elmer greeted, people, opened the gifts and enjoyed the celebration.
Heartbroken because of her uncontrollable circumstances, Cleo went back to their warm romantic tent and cried till the tears
were no more. Their first car was an Essex. It was brown and squared off in the back.
In Cleo's own words she writes:
On March 2nd 1935 I married Etsel Radford, at Idaho Falls. We lived with his folks until spring work started, then we moved
up on the old Jake Weber place and went to work for him until he moved to Utah and sold his farm. Then we went to work for
Johnnie Miller in Swan Valley the spring of 1937. On Sept 4th 1937 our first baby was born, Gene Adrain, while we were still
working there. On July 3rd, 1940 Colleen was born. That fall we quit and moved back to Ririe. Etsel has worked in the cheese
factory ever since. On July 22, 1942 Max was born. We bought a 40 acre farm in the spring of 1944. Have rented it out since.
On March 10, 1944 Brother James Heber Holland gave me a Patriarchal Blessing.
Over the years 6 children were born to this couple. Gene Adrian, Sept. 4th 1937, Verta Colleen, July 3rd 1940, Max Etsel,
July 22, 1942, Lynn Henry, June 17th, 1949, Kevin Leon, May 10th 1958. Also they had a baby girl in 1953, who was still born.
With each child, loving memories, strengths and heartaches would come. During her life time she has sent three of her children
back to live with their Heavenly Father. Not only did she lose a baby at birth, her oldest son Gene died unexpectedly in
heart surgery on August 19th, 1994. He and his mother had a close relationship. He checked on her often to make sure she had
the things she needed. After Etsel died, Gene made sure his mother had the necessities of life. The loss of her oldest son
was hard on Cleo. Then in Jan of 1996 her only daughter, Colleen was diagnosed with the deadly disease of Lou Gerrigs. Cleo
stayed by Colleen's side until her death on July 29, 1996. Colleen had been Cleo's right arm and they had a beautiful mother
daughter relationship. Colleen's and Gene's death took a hard toll on Cleo. They had been her strength and both of them made
sure their mother was taken care of. Cleo bore this challenge in life with courage and strength. She has been a wonderful
example of faith to her family. Her remaining sons make sure their mother is cared for. They all love her.
Early in their marriage Etsel could not attend church because of his job. Cleo decided it was time for her to start attending
church when Gene became old enough for Sunday School. Cleo dressed him in his Sunday best and took him to church. When they
arrived she sent him up to sit with the other little kids on the front row. The kids looked at him and said "you don't
belong here." The disheartened little boy ran back to the comfort of his mother's arms. Cleo sent him right back up to
sit with the others. She advised him to tell the other kids, "I do to belong here." There was not any more problems
with the kids after that.
Etsel and Cleo became good friends with Cloyd and Edwina Moss. They were good examples to Etsel. Cloyd encouraged Etsel to
start attending church. Cleo told Etsel "I will not have another baby until you start going to church and can bless
them yourself." This encouragement was what Etsel needed to start to attending church and his testimony grew. Etsel
and Cleo's marriage was solemnized in the Idaho Falls Temple on July 15th 1948. New clothes were purchases for the kids, Gene,
Colleen and Max. A special white taffeta dress for Colleen and Sunday best for the boys. The feeling was indescribable as
the kids were brought in to the room. Anxious parents were waiting to have their little family sealed for time and all eternity.
Cleo remembered all of her life the special feelings she felt the first time she went through the temple. She had always
had a strong faith in God and now her family could be together forever.
They worked hard and attended church regularly. They were busy in their callings and three of their kids served honorable
mission for the church. Colleen was the first to go and served in the Southern California Mission. Max went next and served
in the Sidney Australian Mission. Lynn followed suit of his brother and sister and also chose to serve the Lord. He was called
the Southwest Indian Mission in Arizona.
Etsel and Cleo knew the meaning of hard work, but when the work was done they also knew how to play. They spent many happy
times with their friends Darwin and Helen Bloxam and Russ and Effie Price. The three couples would camp, fish and hunt together.
They spent time laughing and enjoying nature. Several times they took trips to Yellowstone Park. During the winter they rode
snow machines through the park, tying to out do the others and driving a little crazy. One time they stayed at Old Faithful
in cabins and put their mattresses on floor. There was not enough heat so they slept in their clothes and froze all night.
One hunting trip that needs to be mentioned was a time the group of friends all went hunting together. Etsel, Cleo, Darwin,
and Helen had become wise with age and they drove the younger hunters to the ridge to let them brush the deer. Etsel and Darwin
got out of the pickup and sat on a rock with their guns ready for the big catch that would be brushed to them. The temperatures
were dropping and the men had cuddled together to keep warm. Cleo and Helen were even more wise. They stayed in the pickup
where they could stay warm. As they were doing their hand work and talking up a storm, out of the brush jumped the biggest
buck they had ever seen. This unsuspecting deer almost jumped right on top of the men. Cleo and Helen could not believe their
eyes. Here was the prize buck and the formidable wise men had fallen asleep. The women did not have a gun in the pickup so
they could bag their deer nor could they figure out how to wake up the mighty hunters without scaring the deer away. The
deer slipped back down the side of the mountain into the safety of the trees. The women had to tell their hunters about the
one that got away. Darwin and Etsel never saw the deer they almost got. As a matter of fact, they never saw any thing the
rest of the day.
Cleo was raised to know the importance of service. They bought their home in Clark from Mrs. Nelly Ormond. There was one
agreement made in the purchase that most people would take a while to consider. Mrs. Ormond was very elderly and needed to
stay in her home until her death. Cleo and Etsel did not hesitate to agree in taking care of her. She was treated like part
of the family. Cleo took care of Grandma Ormond until her death.
NOTE: This letter was written to Cleo in 1996 by Mr. Vernal Ormond, a son of Grandma Ormond. He passed away a year and a
half after this letter was written. Following this letter is the answer that Cleo sent back to him.
Dear Cleo,
Please find enclosed a check for $1,000. It is a gift to you for the tender care and consideration that you gave my mother
in her declining years. You do not have to declare it as income, it is a gift to you for the many things you helped her with
that I could not do. She was a queen, if she needed food on the table, she planted a garden, if she needed a covering for
a bed she made a quilt, if a child became ill, she nursed him back to health; the majesty of her life was in its simplicity.
We shall always be grateful to you for taking care of her. And on this Mother's day my thoughts turn back to the wonderful
mother she was to me. We wish you a happy day and many more to come.
Vernal Ormond
Dear Vernal and Ruth,
Yes, your mother was a queen! I loved her and enjoyed many times with her. We laughed and had many good times together.
She would often come in and help me with different things in the house. She especially loved to help with the dishes and
would always say, "I hope there will be someone to care for you."
She had her own special ways of doing things which we would laugh and enjoy together. I have thought many times about
her. She taught me a lot. I want you to know she was a special person to me.
I want to thank you for this wonderful gift. I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I have been in Boise
with Colleen and her family. She has been diagnosed with Lou Gerrigs disease and is having a rough time of it.
This money will be used to help me to get a hearing aide so I can hear better. You thoughtfulness is well appreciated.
Thank you Very Much!! All my love, Cleo
After Grandma Ormond passed away, Cleo took in her aging father until his death. Etsel's mother became unable to care for
herself, so Cleo willingly and unselfishly agreed to take her in along with Etsel's disabled brother. Grant had special needs
and his mind was on the age level of a five year old. Cleo took care of any one who needed her care and she was willing do
what ever she could to make their life easier. Grant continued to live with Cleo long after Etsel passed away until she could
no longer care for him. She cared for him like he was one of her own. Finally the family made the decision to place Grant
in a nursing home. Cleo continued to visit him. She made sure his life was happy and that he had the things he needed until
the Lord called him home to be with his family. Many times Cleo could have said, "no," but she gave of herself to
her family.
Etsel and Cleo not only served others, but they served the Lord. They held many church callings and attended church every
Sunday. Etsel served as scout master for 12 years and Elders quorum president. He was a High Priest when he died and regularly
attended the temple. His temple recommend was a priceless possession for him. He took great pride in going to the temple
with his children and grandchildren. Cleo served one year in the MIA and 10 years of Sunday School teacher. Teaching children
helped prepare Cleo for her years of service in the Primary. She served the children of the Clark/Shelton wards for 25 years
in the Primary. Cleo developed a strong bond with the women of the ward when she was called to serve as second counselor
in the Clark ward relief society for 5 years. She still holds a warm place in her heart for the sisters there. One of the
callings she enjoys the most is visiting teaching. She takes her visiting teaching calling very seriously. She always makes
a monthly contact with her sisters on her beat. She has been a visiting teacher since the age of 15 and never missed a month.
One companion she has loved to teach with is her daughter in law Kathy. Kathy and Cleo have been companions for 6 years.
If you ever ask Cleo or Etsel about their grandchildren and great grandchildren you can tell they are very proud of each one
of them. When they talk about them they always get a twinkle in their eyes. They never missed a ball game or a birthday.
Grandpa Radford made sure each one of his grand sons had a gun and that they knew how to respect it and use it for hunting.
His love for fishing was passed on to all his grandchildren and he spent many hours fishing with them and making sure they
knew how to use the poles and reels. He made his own poles and poured his own sinkers. His favorite hobby was tying flies
for fishing. His flies became famous and everyone in the valley still knows of the "Radford Special." He taught
his sons and grandsons to love and respect the river. He hand made boats from wood and they were in big demand from other
river fishermen in the area. Using his own special design, it would take him months to finish one boat. The Lord and his family
were number one in his life, but fishing was his passion.
Cleo always wanted to be where Etsel was. If it was in the field or fishing on the river. They were inseparable and she was
by his side always. Her fishing talent was a match to her husbands. She knew every technique and use them skillfully. She
baited her own hooks and could out fish most men. After the fishing trips, she would clean the fish, filet them and have a
wonderful fish supper prepared for the family. Their children always knew their parents loved each other. On the farm Cleo
worked hard alongside of Etsel. She would come in the house early enough to make sure she had a huge meal fixed for the working
men and then after she cleaned up the dishes she would go back out and help with the chores. She raised a huge garden and
canned everything she raised. The only thing that grew in her garden were the vegetables. Weeds were not a match for her hoe.
The neighbors reaped the benefits of the ample amount of vegetables she grew in her garden. Cleo took great pride in her garden
every year. Etsel made sure she had a root cellar and what she could not put in bottles she would put in her root cellar.
Clothes were washed daily and hung on the line. She felt she really had a modern day miracle when she got her first clothes
The boys remember Grandma Radford calling them to come to dinner or to do some chore she had for them. Lyyyyyne, Keeeeeevin,
Daaaaaaavid Geeeene, Maaaaaax, were said with the second syllable raising 2 or 3 octaves. When her voice hit the high note
they knew they better come running or mom would have the broom in hand and she could always catch them. Gene's son David,
was older than Cleo and Etsel's last son, Kevin. He spent enough time with his grandparents that he was included in with Kevin
like a brother, discipline and all. After school the kids were met at the door by their mother. She would take their books
and hand them their gloves. They had to do the chores before they could come in the house and relax. The cows needed to be
milked, fed and they needed to bring in the coal or chopped wood. Their dad was gone on the milk route and he depended on
his sons to do the work around the farm. Cleo taught her sons the value of work. At the time they felt she was hard and unfair,
but they all grew up knowing how to work. She taught them to take care of what they had.
One of Cleo's many talents is crocheting. She made sure her kids, grand kids and great grand kids all had an afghan and homemade
doilies when they got married. She made pieced quilts, both tied and hand quilted. Everything she has made she given away
to her family. When money was tight she spent the entire year crocheting beautiful doilies for everyone for Christmas. She
didn't realize that those beautiful hand made things were worth more than anything she could buy. All of us have her beautiful
handiwork in our homes. As time takes it toll on all of us, so it has on Grandma Radford. The pains of arthritis have made
it difficult for her to continue her crocheting.
Cleo's home was a safe, loving sanctuary for her children, grandchildren and their friends. They could come to rest and
always find food. After school, grandma Radford's house is the favorite place to be. They not only knew it was a safe place
where they could receive attention and love, but they could get fed. Cleo made sure she had what ever the favorite food was
on hand to feed the kids when they came home from school. Each kid had their favorite and Grandma made sure she had plenty
of what ever it was from hotdogs to mac and cheese Kevin's children made sure they visited Grandma Radford because she always
had an after school snack and a hug for them. When her adult children had to be out of town, Cleo took it upon herself to
check on things and made sure the children and the animals were fed. Many times her children would make a favorite request
of their mother. Gene loved her fudge. Of course we all loved the fudge. One of the favorite family times was in the evening
when they all came over to visit. A big bowl of pop corn was made and mom would make her famous fudge. She has quite a knack
of cooking and whipping it just right so it would not turn to sugar. The kids would all grab a spoon and scoop it up right
off the platter which was greased down good with butter. One bite of popcorn and a big spoon of fudge was a delicacy that
no one in the family will forget. Max wanted home made mustard. Cleo made the mustard to go along with the wild meat they
all shot in the fall. Home made mustard and mustard pickles were a favorite and a staple with fried deer meat. Lynn and
Kevin loved to have her cook their fish. She would filet the fish and fry it up just perfect and make sure she kept back enough
for the one who made the request. Cleo cleaned, filleted and cooked the fish her sons and grandsons caught. Grandma's food
always tasted better, just ask any grandchild. What ever her children or grand children would ask of her she tried to the
best of her ability to do the task. Colleen loved to introduce her mom to new food. Colleen always brought new and different
ideas to her mother's house and fixed then when she would come to visit. Every one of Cleo's children has their favorite
memories of mom.
Later in life Cleo had the misfortune of a small stroke which left her completely deaf if her right ear. The normal aging
process of hearing loss in her left ear has made it difficult for her to hear. She has struggled with understanding and being
involved in normal family conversation. Her children's patience and understanding keeps her involved as much as they possibly
can. Her family has enjoyed taking her places and learning from her immense wisdom. She has lived a full and enjoyable life.
Not only her grandchildren and great grandchildren, but also their friends have known Cleo as Grandma Radford (a name of endearment).
She treated them all equal when they came to her house. It did not matter what time of the day any one came to visit, Cleo
could fill the table with food and have a complete meal ready to eat in a short time. Sometimes we would wonder where the
food came from. Like magic a wonderful meal appeared on the table as she opened a bottle here and a can there.
Cleo Lavon Gallup Radford is known to her family and neighbors as Grandma Radford. Her most prized possession is her family
and she is so grateful for her posterity. The one thing she would love to leave her children and their children's children
is her testimony in her own words:
I'd like to share my testimony and let my Heavenly Father and family know how much I love my Father in Heaven, for the many
blessings I receive each day. I couldn't go through life without knowing he lives and loves me and helps me every day to
do the right thing in life. I want my family to know how much I love and appreciate all the things they do for me. Without
my Father in Heaven and my family my life just couldn't go on. I want them to know how proud I am of the things they all have
accomplished in life and lived the teaching of our Father in Heaven. I have the best daughters in law and grand children.
All of them are active in the gospel. I know God lives. Joseph Smith is a true prophet and President Hinkley is our prophet
today and if we live his teaching and do what we know is right we will be blessed every day and return to be with our Heavenly
Father . Amen
Etsel Henry and Cleo Radford Gravestone
Click on the link above to see a picture of Etsel and Cleo Radford's gravestone.