In this picture the baby is Bonnie Johnson Hill. Bonnie holds a special place in our history work because she inherited, and
then made available to family history researchers, the pictures collected by her mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
Bonnie's mother was Sadie Cleova Durrant Johnson. Bonnie's grandmother was Sadie Geneva Radford Durrant. Bonnies great grandmother
was Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford and her great grandfather was John William Radford. Interestingly enough, since this picture
was set up to be a 9 grandparent picture, Bonnie's mother and father were not included in it.
In the picture above are, Back Row, Left to Right: John Roland Durrant, Sadie Geneva Radford Durrant, William LeRoy Johnson,
Lillian May Scott Johnson, John William Radford.
Front Row, Left to Right: Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford, Amelia Butterly Morgan Scott, George Hiner, Eliza Hiner Durrant.
The picture above was taken in 1936.

This is a Bonnie Johnson Hill five generation reunion picture. Except that in this picture the baby is Verdale and Bonnie
Hill's son Ivan. This picture was taken in 1957 and Bonnie (standing just left of center, back row) is about 22 years old.
Her parents are in the picture, standing far right on the back row. Also, in this picture, Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford is
listed as Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford Spracher. This is because after the death of John William Radford Julia married John
Spracher, who is in the picture.
In the picture above are, Back Row: left to right: Bertha Billman Hill, Howard Hill, William LeRoy Johnson, Mortimer Billman,
Bonnie Johnson Hill, Verdale Hill, John Spracher John Roland Durrant, Narvel Scott Johnson, Sadie Cleova Durrant Johnson.
Front Row, left to right: Ann Bate Hill, Cora Bates Billman, Eliza Heiner Durrant, Lillian May Scott Johnson holding baby
Ivan Hill, Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford Spracher, Sadie Geneva Radford Durrant.
The picture above was set up as a five generation picture because Bonnie Hill's mother, grandmother and great grandmother
are all in the picture (her mother is standing far right, her grandmother is sitting far right, and her great grandmother
is sitting next to far right). And, with Bonnie's son Ivan in the picture, there are five generations represented.

The picture above is the Bonnie Hill 14 grandparents picture. They are the same people as in the next picture up except that
William LeRoy Johnson and Mortimer Billman have swapped places and Bonnie and Verdale are not in the picture. This picture
was also taken in 1957, apparently on the same day as the one above it.
So, in the picture above are, Left to Right, Back Row: Bertha Billman Hill, Howard Hill, Mortimer Billman, William LeRoy Johnson,
John Spracher, John Roland Durrant, Narvel Scott Johnson, Sadie Cleova Durrant Johnson. Front Row, Left to Right: Anne Bate
Hill, Cora Bates Billman, Eliza Heiner Durrant, Lillian May Scott Johnson holding baby Ivan Hill, Julia Elizabeth Ross Radford
Spracher, Sadie Geneva Radford Durrant.