In the picture above, taken at Christmastime in the 1950's, is Harold Edward Brown with his wife LaVerda Hurst Brown (sitting
on the right side), and their daughter Gayle Brown.

Harold Edward Brown holding the head of a mule deer. This picture is also thought to have been taken in the 1950's, but appears
to be earlier in the 1950's than the Christmas picture at the top of the page.

In the picture above are LaVerda Hurst Brown, wife of Harold Edward Brown, and two of their children, Marilyn Ruth and LuDene.
Picture taken 1932. Marilyn Ruth was born 16 March 1930 in Pocatello, Idaho. She married John Harvey Giles 16 September 1949
in Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho and they had ten children. She died 28 April 2000.

In the fine old farm picture above, taken in the 1940's near Mackay, Idaho, are Harold Edward Brown and his children LuDene
and Gayle. The horses are Bud and Cap.
Harold Edward brown and his wife LaVerda Hurst Brown lived in many places in Idaho: Ririe, Pocatello, Tyhee, Chubbuck, Leslie,
Lincoln, and finally settled in Ammon (near Idaho Falls). Harold painted houses or buildings in Pocatello then farmed for
the most part. He loved horses and always had one or more. He had a team of black workhorses in Leslie (Idaho, near Mackay,
Idaho) named Bud and Cap. He loved hunting and fishing. He was a great father who loved his family.