Mary Emma Morgan Brown, the daughter of Edward and Sarah West Morgan, was born November 30, 1879, at Leamington, Utah. Her
father was a stockman.
When she was two years old, the family traveling with wagons and driving their livestock moved to American Falls, Idaho, and
settled at a small place a few miles west of Neeley. They stayed there but a short time and moved back to her birthplace.
When she was six years old they to Star Valley, Wyoming, where her father traded some horses for a ranch near Afton. They
stayed there a short time and moved into the lower valley known as Freedom Ward. They stayed there one summer and back to
American Falls.
When she was eleven years old they moved again this time arriving in the Snake
River Valley and settled in what is now Shelton Ward. When she was twelve years old she was baptized in the canal near the
Buck School House by brother Jesse Cleverly, and was also confirmed by him that afternoon. At that time they held their fast
meetings on Thursdays, baptizing in the morning and confirming in the meeting that afternoon. She attended school in a log
schoolhouse where the present old Shelton school still stands.

This picture of the Upper Shelton School was found in a picture collection belonging to Merle Brown, son of Mary Emma Brown,
who was living in the original Edward and Sarah West Morgan house in 2003.
On January 27, 1898 she was married to Frank L. Brown by Bishop John S. Howard. In April they went to the Salt Lake Temple
where they were sealed. While her husband served as a missionary in the southern states mission from November 1900 until January
1903, she and her baby daughter, lorene, lived with relatives. About 1905 they bought the farm where they raised their family.
The house on the place at the time was up near the Willard Moore home. In May, 1913, they moved into their new rock home
on the upper Shelton road.
She was always a willing worker in the church, serving as a counselor in the primary and Relief Society, and Young Ladies
Mutual. She was a charter member of D.U.P. [Daughter of Utah Pioneers]. During the early part of 1947 she and her husband
spent six months as missionaries in the California Mission. On January 27, 1948, they were honored at a reception at their
home clebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.

She passed away on October 20, 1964 at Idaho Falls, Idaho, survived by the following children: Mrs. C. E (Lorena) Foster,
Lawrence W., Lynn F, Mrs. Mel (Velma) Nelson, Karl M. and Merle V, Brown. A son, Harold, preceeded her in death. At the time
of her death, she had 34 Grandchildren and 63 great grandchildren.
Frank and Mary Emma Family
Click on the link above to see a picture of Frank and Mary Emma and their children.
Mary Emma and Frank Brown Headstone