Family history research is more of an art than a science. The old records are incomplete, sometimes illegible, and often
confusing. For example, Polly found at least four Thomas Morgan's serving in the 1st regiment of foot of the English army
between 1803 and 1815. The challenge was not so much locating Thomas Morgan's army records as determining which one was
our Thomas Morgan. The same is true for records in Herefordshire where multiple persons of the same name can be found in any
period of history. Family history research must be pursued with diligence, persistence, and knowledge of the culture from
which the records are drawn. And all family history records must be viewed with the understanding that they are sketchy,
leaving much we can never know for sure.
However, we sincerely believe the information about Thomas Morgan and his family presented here is the best and most accurate
ever compiled. This is because of better technology, improved research tools, increased record availability, and more experienced
researchers. Polly Rubery, a resident of Herefordshire with extensive knowledge of both Herefordshire and Mormon Emigrant
history, is highly qualified for this specific study. She, in turn, has access to many other local family history researchers
in Herefordshire who have specialized knowledge of Herefordshire history. Leon Pitman is a retired college professor who has
personally visited Herefordshire and done many years of research on Thomas Morgan and his families. James Morgan, who has
also visited Herefordshire and personally worked with Polly Rubery, is an ex-college professor with several years of experience
collecting and cataloging pictures of Thomas Morgan and his families. And, finally, more Herefordshire records are becoming
available all the time as the old reluctance to share the records fades and interest in family history research grows. It
is easy to wish that one had perfect family history records but, in practice, a combination of dedication, skill, knowledge
and experience must be used to piece together a reasonably defensible story from sketchy records. I would be foolhardy to
claim the information here as the final word on Thomas Morgan. But I do believe that we now have answered the major questions
and dispelled the major myths of Thomas Morgan's life.
As recently as spring, 2003, an article about Thomas Morgan was published in a newspaper in the Rigby/Rexburg area that repeated
some of the erroneous information that has accumulated in Thomas Morgan's history. An honest and well meaning descendent looked
through some of the old Thomas Morgan histories his mother had collected and, using this information, put together a story
for the paper, repeating once again information we now know to be erroneous. Two things come to mind. First, we really do
appreciate all the people who help with family history. There is much to be done and far too few people with the time or inclination
to do the work. So we are grateful for anyone who helps in any way. We are not in any way criticizing those who try to contribute.
But the second thing that comes to mind is that it is going to be difficult to curtail the perpetuation of the old Thomas
Morgan myths. There are all sorts of tall tales embedded in the old Thomas Morgan life sketches, not to mention the just plain
wrong facts about his age. Some of the old tall tales are great yarns and we enjoy them as much as anyone. But we must be
careful not to present them as known fact. It is our sincere hope that, by widely disseminating the better researched histories
for Thomas and Ann Morgan that we have presented on the website, we can bring order, accuracy and hard facts
to Thomas Morgan's history. To this end we are offering Thomas Morgan histories on this website, by email in pdf format, or
by regular mail in printed form for the benefit of anyone who is interested. I you want copies of these histories you should
be able to print them directly from this website. If not, contact us by emailing "" and
we will find a way to get these materials to you.